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Managing My Employees
All about how to effectively use the platform to manage your employees' data
User Roles and Permissions
Can I add an employee to more than one permission group at the same time?
Each user can only be assigned to on permission group at a time. When assigning your team to a permission group, please consider their role on your team, as well as the type of information that each user is able to view before assigning your team members to an advanced permission group.
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How can I create access restrictions for HR or Admin user groups?
General user permission configuration Users can belong to different permission groups with different “view” and “edit” rights. An overview is accessible from Settings → Permissions, where the user group can be changed. (
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What permission groups available in palm.HR?
Permission Groups In the platform, you are able to assign your team mates to any of the six available permission groups. Each permission group is listed and explained below.
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What can users with the Security Administrator role do?
The Security Administrator is an advanced user role in the platform. Members of this permission group are the only users with the ability to edit the Security settings in your team’s palm.HR domain. The Security settings in the platform allow you to control the activation of two factor authentication, your team’s password policies, as well as the availability of Microsoft or Google Single Sign on options for your team.
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How can I change a user’s permission group?
Change a user’s Permission Group Change a user’s Permission Group Find the user who’s permissions you would like to change Click on the three dots to open the menu Select “Change Permission G
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How can I onboard an employee that was previously offboarded?
In case you have an employee who was previously offboarded and will now return, you can onboard them again using one out of the two following methods: Cancel Scheduled Offboarding Go to the Team section Select the Offboarding tab Select the "Schedule
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