Articles on: Managing My Employees

What permission groups available in palm.HR?

Permission Groups

What is a permission group? A permission group is a group of users with the same predefined roles and access rights.

In the platform, you are able to assign your team mates to any of the six available permission groups. Each permission group is listed and explained below.

All active users on are able to access Who’s in, Who’s out, use the Employee Engagement Center to raise and track their requests, track their own attendance, view and engage with the announcements, and the access the Events and Company Calendar features. All users are also able to access the “People” page where they can see all of their team’s profile photos, email addresses, job titles, and mobile phone numbers. The ORG Chart is also displayed for all users on palm.HR regardless of their user permissions.


Members of the Administrator permission group have access to all employee data, as well as all of the company and platform settings in your environment. Users with this access type are able to edit and view all data in your team’s environment.

Security Administrator

The Security Administrator role has all of the same access rights as the Administrator, however with the added access of being able to edit the “Security” section of your team’s domain settings.

Learn more about the Security Settings here


Any user with HR permissions can access all employee profile data, and requests, they are also able to be acting members in your team’s payroll approval flow, allowing them to also view your team’s financial details and process the payroll.

If you have multiple legal entities, you can limit the access of users with HR permissions to only view the employee profiles and data related to the employees in the legal entity they are a part of.
To learn more about this customizable permission click here

Public Relations

The Public Relations user role allows users with this permission to view and edit your team members’ “About” and “Personal” profile details.


Granting someone on your team Accountant Permissions ensures that you are able to include these users in the Payroll approval flow. This grants them access to process the payroll for your team, as well as view all Financial related insights.

Learn more about Setting up the Payroll Approval flow here


The employee permission group is the default permission group, when a user is onboarded to palm.HR they will always be added as an Employee user. This is the most basic access level in palm.HR. Users with Employee permissions are only able to access information related to their own account, and they are only able to edit their own personal information such as their name, and religion.

Updated on: 10/03/2024

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