Articles on: Employee Requests

How can I set up or edit the approval flow for a request?

To set up or adjust a request approval flow, follow the below steps:

From the menu on the top right corner of the screen access settings.

Select the "Requests" tab to open Request Settings

Select the request type that you would like to add or edit the approval flow for.
To create or add a new approval flow, click on 'Set Up' to begin the initial setup, or click on the plus icon on the top right corner;

To edit an existing approval flow, click on the three dots for the approval flow you would like to edit and select 'Edit' from the menu.

Add or edit the Approval flow details:

Approval flow name: This field allows you to assign a name to the approval flow for internal reference purposes only. Employees cannot see this information. You can add the name in English in the first field and in Arabic in the second field.

Set as Default: Selecting this option designates the approval flow as the default one.

Attachments are mandatory: Enabling this option ensures that employees cannot submit requests without submitting an attachment.

Approver can cancel employee’s request: When activated, this feature allows any of the members of the approval flow to cancel an employee's request.

Employees cannot cancel their requests: Enabling this setting restricts employees from canceling their own requests.

Click "Save" to move on to the next step

Define the number of approval steps required for the request. Each step represents an approval stage where the request will be reviewed and approved by designated individuals. You can set anywhere from 1 step to 5 steps for request approval, or you are also able to set up an approval flow where the requests are automatically approved by the system by selecting "No approval".

Assign the specific individuals or permission groups who will act as approvers at each designated step of the approval process.

Select the users who's requests will be subject to the approval flow you are setting up:

Set assignees and save

Assignees are users who's requests will undergo the approval process defined by this flow when creating a request.

After configuring your approval flow, click on "Save" to update the approval flow settings.

If you are setting an approval flow for the Accommodation request, Asset request or Flight ticket request, you will notice a final step called Tasks. This is because these requests can be linked to automated tasks which are created by the system after the request is approved in its final approval step. To learn more about the task automation, click here.

Updated on: 19/03/2024

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