Articles on: Payroll

How can I set up my team’s payroll approval flow?

Go to the "Settings"

Select the "Pay" tab to open the pay settings

Select "Approval Flow" to access the approval flow settings

Select the Legal Entity you wish to set up the approval flow for

Click on "+ Add Approval flow" to begin building your approval flow process

If you have previously set up an approval flow and simply want to update it you can edit the existing approval flow by clicking on the three dots and selecting edit. Learn more about editing a payroll approval flow here

Set the effective period for the payroll approval flow, and click "Next". It is most important to set the start date, while the end date can be indefinite in case this is your permanent approval process.

In case your approval flow process changes in the future, simply Edit the approval flow and set the end date for the last payroll period it was effective for, and proceed with adding a new approval flow. This is especially important if you will be adding or removing steps from the payroll approval process.

Set the number of steps in your payroll approval process. You can set one, two or three steps for payroll approval.

Select the users or permission group members are responsible for each step, as well as the day of each month on which this step must be completed by.

Selecting the "Permission Group" option allows you to select a user role that is responsible for completing this step of the payroll approval process. So all users who share this user role will be able to complete this step.

If you select "Specific Person" you will then be able to select specific users, regardless of their user permissions in the platform, to take care of the approval process in the step you indicate them for.

Once you have assigned roles or users to each step and set your due dates for each step, click "Next" to move on to the final step.

The final step is the "Payment" step. Here you will indicate which users or roles are responsible for making the payment. Similar to indicating the responsible people for each approval flow step, you should select a specific user or a permission group to be responsible for this step. Then Set the due date and Save.

Indicating the users responsible for the Payment step, allows this user to access the finalized files from the platform, to be used to upload to your online banking platform and complete the payment process. This also gives them the access to Mark the payrun as paid once it has been successfully processed by the bank.

If at any time you have more than one user responsible for approving in any of the steps, you can click on the plus sign on the right of the screen and add as many users as necessary. However, this does not mean that all users must approve in order for the step to be completed, once one of the indicated people approves, this will complete the step they are responsible for.

Updated on: 10/03/2024

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