Articles on: My Experience

How can I manage notification settings?

Managing your notification settings is crucial. It ensures you get the updates you need without being overwhelmed by too much information. Let's go through how you can easily adjust these settings to suit your preferences:

From the menu on the top right corner of the screen access preferences.

Select the "Notifications " tab to access notification settings.

You can easily adjust your preferences for different types of notifications. Here are the options you can enable or disable:

Email Notifications: This option allows you to receive notifications through email.

Web Notifications: With this option, you'll receive notifications directly within the web application.

Mobile Notifications: If you prefer to get notifications on your mobile device, you can enable this option.

By toggling these buttons, you can customize your notification experience in to suit your preferences and stay informed in the way that works best for you.

Click "Save" to ensure your preferences are updated and applied.

Updated on: 30/03/2024

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