Articles on: Time and Attendance

DRAFT- Special Leave Policy Rules

In the platform, you have the flexibility to set a completely flexible special leave policy for your team. Once you have added the different special leave types that you would like your team to be able to request, you are ready for the next step: Setting the rules for the policy for each special leave type.

If you haven’t already set your special leave type options, you can learn how to set them here

Set the Special leave type

From the dropdown, select the type of special leave that you will be creating a policy for.

Set the Maximum Number of Days

in setting your special leave policy is to decide if there is a limit on the number of days that an employee can request for each special leave type.

Unlimited Policy

If you do not have any limit on the number of days an employee can request for this request type, you should select the “Unlimited” option. This allows users to submit any number of requests for this special leave type without any restrictions on their consumption.

Limited Policy

If you have a limit on the number of days that an employee can request for the special leave type that you are setting up you should select the “Limited” option.

Selecting “Limited” opens several options related to the type of limitation you would like to set.

You can set the Maximum number of days allowed for consumption. If you set a maximum consumption restriction, you can set the Day basis and the time Period that the maximum number of days applies to.

Day Basis: | This setting allows you to select one of either “Working Days” or “Calendar Days”

Day Basis Type:
Working Days: The user’s consumption will only count days included in the user’s work schedule and weekends will not be considered towards the overall consumption numbers.
Calendar Days: All calendar days that are included in the request will be considered towards the total consumption for the employee’s request even if there are weekend days in the request

Period: This setting allows you to select the period to which the limitation settings apply.

Period Selection Type:
Per Calendar Year:During each calendar year the user cannot request more days than the Maximum number of days set in the policy. At the beginning of each new calendar year the consumption will reset to zero.
Per Request:this means that each request made cannot exceed the total number of days set as the Maximum in the settings.
Per Hire Date: this option allows you to set the limitation to be correlated with the employee’s lifetime in your company. This means that for the employee’s entire period of employment they will only be able to use as many days as the maximum number of days for the policy and it will never reset throughout their period of service.

Handling excess consumption

We know that sometimes it is not possible to stay within the allowed maximum number of days, so we also allow you to decide what happens if an employee needs to make a request that exceeds the maximum allowed days set in the policy settings.

You can turn days exceeding the maximum number of days in the policy into vacation days or unpaid leave days.
You can also block users from consuming more days than the allowed maximum by blocking requests exceeding the maximum from being raised or approved in the system
You can do this by selecting the option to “forbid the creation and approval for exceeding max number of days”.
This allows you to set a policy for deductions to the employee’s salary for any over-consumed special leaves of this type.

You can define salary deduction percentages per consumption ranges. Any undefined range will be considered full pay. Any consumption that goes beyond the policy limit will not be eligible for salary deduction in order to prevent double deductions.


if you require that employees provide proof of the reason for their absence, you can enable the "Require Evidence" option. This will ensure that no requests for the type you are setting a policy for are raised without including an attachment.

Updated on: 18/02/2024

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