Articles on: Time and Attendance

Add a Special Leave Type

You are able to have an infinite number of special leave types available for your team, and it is super easy to add new types and set customized policies for each type you choose to make available for your team.

Go to the “Settings”

Open the “Time” settings

Expand the Policies section

Select “Special Leave”

Click on the “Types” tab

Click on the plus sign to add a new type, the below screenshot shows the default special leave types already available in the platform

Add the new special leave type name, and set a unique colour which will help you easily track the consumption of each special leave type

Click on “Add” to save the new special leave type

Go back to the “Policy” tab to create the rules for the new special leave type that you have added and assign it to the relevant users whom the policy will be made available to

Learn about adding policies for special leave types here

Updated on: 13/02/2024

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